Office To Go

Mobile Coworking-Spaces – built anytime and anywhere

Paranet Traglufthalle Office to go

Flexible and mobile

The fast office solution. Can be used at any time. The office that adapts to your needs. We grow with you. State-of-the-art standards, the new way of working.

Flexibility, community and cooperation. The office to go from PARANET-Deutschland is one of the fastest ways to set up fully equipped office space.

It takes less than four weeks to build a fully equipped office to go from scratch.

Paranet Traglufthalle Office to go

Individual facilities

The facility concepts are developed individually with you. We invest a lot of time in the cooperation with you, and thus deliver a first-class and unique result.

Shared use of resources, exchange of ideas with like-minded people (diverse ecosystem), furnished and managed office space for companies, groups or individuals / freelancers. PARANET takes care of the entire infrastructure and IT requirements.

Our goal: You should be able to concentrate 100% on your work. Increased efficiency through full concentration and satisfaction. A new generation of workers has special needs and expectations regarding their workplace. Cooperative and flexible remote work at any time and from any place but under consistently good conditions.

Paranet Traglufthalle Oben

Modern Co-Working-Spaces

Modern working for everyone: Multinational corporations, freelancers, start-ups and many more. Strong passion: With in-house amenities such as relaxation zones, coffee bars and local digital storage and server capacities, we offer you maximum comfort, data security and more than just a workplace at all times.

Visibility: We offer the only concept of its kind. With a ceiling height of up to 15m, we create a high degree of recognition.

Illumination: Our halls are illuminated at night. With a daylight incidence of 70%, you work during the day as if outdoors. Daylight leads to better well-being and consequently to increased motivation at work.

Clever: The PARANET office to go is the fastest and most economical office solution on the market. Sustainable and energy-efficient: Good energy balance due to low weight of the dome. Optional: Energy self-sufficient: Our photovoltaic thin-film modules (200gr/sqm) are able to cover a large part of your own energy requirements.



These six steps guide you in detail through the buying and renting process of a PARANET air dome. From initial contact to after-sales service, you will find all the information you need at a glance.



Contact and sending of a first price indication



Site inspection and discussion of relevant details



Transmission of a binding offer



Production/delivery of an air dome specially customized to the customer’s needs



Construction and setup of the air dome.



After-sales services: Monitoring the data of the air dome (pressure, temperature, etc.), maintenance and modernization




“Auch bei intensivem Zeitdruck haben Sie ihre Leistungen, auch an Wochenenden, Feiertagen und Nachtarbeit, zuverlässig und zu unserer Zufriedenheit erbracht.”

Landratsamt München


“Die hervorragende Qualität sowohl der Hallen als auch der Zusammenarbeit Ihres Unternehmens mit dem landratsamt Deggendorf möchten wir an dieser Stelle betonen.”

Landratsamt Deggendorf


“Wir bedanken uns bei der Firma Paranet und empfehlen Sie an dieser Stelle gerne weiter.”

Stadtwerke Neumünster


“Der Abbau verlief reibungslos, professionell und innerhalb des vereinbarten Terminplans. Die Arbeiten wurden zuverlässig und in ausgezeichneter Qualität ausgeführt. “

Stadt Neuss, Der Bürgermeister


“Der Landkreis Teltow-Fläming ist mit der durch Ihr Unternehmen geleisteten Arbeit bei der Aufstellung, Ausstattung und vor allem dem laufenden Support der Traglufthallen sehr zufrieden.”

Landratsamt Teltow-Fläming

PARANET airdomes for:




Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our company and the PARANET air domes. Our experts will immediately deal with your questions and provide you with the appropriate answer promptly. You are also welcome to call us. We look forward to your questions.

PARANET Deutschland GmbH

  • Koenigsallee 7, 14193 Berlin

  • + 49 (0)30 88 72 76 90



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