PARANET Care Dome® – Accommodation for refugees

Accommodating refugees, migrants, asylum seekers and the homeless

PARANET air domes are suitable in the current emergency situation for short-term accommodation of refugees from the Ukraine as well as for longer-term accommodation of homeless people, migrants and asylum seekers.

Accommodation for refugees and people in need from PARANET are available for immediate use and are assembled within 24 hours.

Refugee accommondation with PARANET air domes:

  • Mobile Care Dome® emergency shelters are individually furnished and equipped.
  • The hall systems are available in different sizes from 1.300 m² (36 x 36 m) to 50.000 m² (200 x 250 m), offering many options for housing refugees.
  • PARANET Deutschland sets up refugee shelters within 24 hours.
  • Our air domes from Berlin are mobile, heatable and energy self-sufficient.
  • Emergency accommodation for refugees from PARANET is available immediately.
  • PARANET halls can be erected in a wide variety of locations and on a wide variety of surfaces, such as parking lots, sports fields, or meadows.
Refugee accommondation with PARANET air domes

PARANET Deutschland offers sale and rental of the shelters for refugees and people in need.

PARANET Care Dome® as reception facility in Berlin for refugees and homeless people


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For the accommodation of refugees, separate compartments with up to 6 sleeping places have been set up to ensure a minimum of privacy. 50% of the total hall area is still available as a meeting area where everyday activities, including childcare, can be carried out. Sanitary facilities and a kitchen are also part of the PARANET airdome concept for accommodating people in need.

Care Dome® emergency shelters make it possible to accommodate refugees in a humane way without housing them in gymnasiums.

PARANET’s emergency accommodation is significantly cheaper than containers and a quick solution to create living space for Ukrainian refugees in Germany.

Paranet Traglufthallen Care Dome

Emergency shelters

Especially in winter it can be difficult to find accommodation for refugees and people in need. This is why the world’s first air dome for homeless people was built in Berlin in 2013. The idea of alternative emergency accommodation was born. In the crisis year 2015/2016, PARANET-Deutschland was able to provide over 30 emergency shelters for refugees and is thus the world market leader in the field of pneumatic emergency shelters.

Our customers benefit from our many years of experience and professional knowledge. We can fall back on a high-tech quality product – the PARANET CareDome® concept.

Paranet Traglufthallen Care Dome

Safety and security

The “PARANET Care Dome®” offers space for 100 to 500 people on a surface area of 72 x 36m. In our regular “stress tests” 300 refugees were safely evacuated within only 3-4 minutes. This is not possible in any comparable accommodation. The PARANET CareDome® interior can be used individually. This makes it possible to integrate social areas and sanitary containers.

The lightweight construction of the hall allows quick assembly and flexible use, e.g. on parking lots or meadow plots. The storage of all components of the hall in containers enables fast and efficient transport.

Paranet Traglufthallen Care Dome

Certified quality

The PARANET CareDome® accommodations are TÜV-tested and comply with the high DIN and EN standards. They are energy self-sufficient due to the innovative solar thin-film technology.

The photovoltaic thin-film modules on the outside surfaces of the halls are unique in the world in that they produce many times more electricity than the PARANET CareDome® support and fresh air blowers themselves consume.

We supply the PARANET Care Dome® with a complete, reinforced and high-quality technical equipment.



These six steps guide you in detail through the buying and renting process of a PARANET air dome. From initial contact to after-sales service, you will find all the information you need at a glance.



Contact and sending of a first price indication



Site inspection and discussion of relevant details



Transmission of a binding offer



Production/delivery of an air dome specially customized to the customer’s needs



Construction and setup of the air dome.



After-sales services: Monitoring the data of the air dome (pressure, temperature, etc.), maintenance and modernization




“Auch bei intensivem Zeitdruck haben Sie ihre Leistungen, auch an Wochenenden, Feiertagen und Nachtarbeit, zuverlässig und zu unserer Zufriedenheit erbracht.”

Landratsamt München


“Die hervorragende Qualität sowohl der Hallen als auch der Zusammenarbeit Ihres Unternehmens mit dem landratsamt Deggendorf möchten wir an dieser Stelle betonen.”

Landratsamt Deggendorf


“Wir bedanken uns bei der Firma Paranet und empfehlen Sie an dieser Stelle gerne weiter.”

Stadtwerke Neumünster


“Der Abbau verlief reibungslos, professionell und innerhalb des vereinbarten Terminplans. Die Arbeiten wurden zuverlässig und in ausgezeichneter Qualität ausgeführt. “

Stadt Neuss, Der Bürgermeister


“Der Landkreis Teltow-Fläming ist mit der durch Ihr Unternehmen geleisteten Arbeit bei der Aufstellung, Ausstattung und vor allem dem laufenden Support der Traglufthallen sehr zufrieden.”

Landratsamt Teltow-Fläming

PARANET airdomes for:




Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our company and the PARANET air domes. Our experts will immediately deal with your questions and provide you with the appropriate answer promptly. You are also welcome to call us. We look forward to your questions.

PARANET Deutschland GmbH

  • Koenigsallee 7, 14193 Berlin

  • + 49 (0)30 88 72 76 90



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