PARANET Airdomes – Sportsroofing

Utilization concepts for sport facilities

Regardless of whether it is a tennis court, outdoor swimming pool or sports field, we can transform any outdoor area into a sports area that can be used all year round.

Bild Traglufthalle Schwimmbad


The swimming pool dome as a roofing for outdoor pools for the winter months. Even jump towers can remain standing during construction. Air temperatures in the interior of up to 28° Celsius are permanently attainable.

LED light modules give the air dome an extraordinarily atmosphere. By using an air dome, even open swimming pools can be operated in the cold season.

By the roofing of the swimming pools in the winter swimming clubs have the possibility to train all round year without impairing the public traffic. During the renovation of indoor swimming pools, the air dome is an excellent temporary solution.

PARANET offers the air dome for swimming pools for rent and purchase.

Bild Traglufthalle Schulsport

School sports

The PARANET air dome is ideally suited as a school sports dome. Schools and architects use our air dome during the construction of new gyms. This ensures that sports lessons can be continued without restrictions even during renovation work.

In the multi-purpose domes, high-quality sports floors adapted to individual requirements are used.

The air dome can be set up on any sports field near the school during the renovation work in order to ensure short distances for the pupils to sports lessons. All the usual sports equipment and playing field nets can be used in the PARANET air dome. The multi-purpose dome is ready for use in the shortest possible time by presenting existing approvals. The lighting is attached to the dome ceiling in a ball impact-proof manner and ensures shadow-free lighting throughout. Restroom and shower containers can be docked through lock tunnels and player tunnels. Thus the air dome is fully operational. If it gets fresh outside, this is no problem either. A digital temperature control makes it possible to warm up to 22° Celsius shortly before the start of the sports lesson.

Bild Traglufthalle Tennis


The PARANET air dome offers a cost-effective option for the all year round use of tennis courts. By setting up an air dome on the club premises you gain independence from rented tennis halls.

Seasonal construction and dismantling means that players can play all year round on their usual flooring.

The use of punctual floor anchors in sports dome construction eliminates the need for a concrete foundation. This keeps the load on the playing fields to a minimum. The air dome ensures that the entire pitch can be used regardless of weather conditions.

For landlords of tennis halls it is interesting that the temporary roofing by an air dome increases the economic use also in winter considerably. One thing is particularly important for the players: the ground conditions allow the same training and playing conditions throughout the year. The use of several insulating foils in the sandwich system achieves excellent thermal insulation values for the air dome. The temperature control is digital and allows heating of the sports hall construction exclusively during match operation with a reduction of the heating during the night. This saves energy. With seasonal use, the complete hall technology can be set up or dismantled within 1-2 days. The storage of the components in summer is possible in the smallest space. This reduces costs and also increases the efficiency of the air dome.

Bild Traglufthalle Beachvolleyball

Beach Volleyball

The PARANET air dome is also ideally suited as a beach volleyball hall and allows barefoot play on fine sandy ground all year round thanks to appropriate temperature control. All the usual playing field nets can be used in the PARANET air dome.

The lighting is fixed to the ceiling of the dome and is ball-proof, so that shadow-free lighting is guaranteed. Changing room and shower containers can be docked through lock tunnels and player tunnels. The air dome can be used all around.



These six steps guide you in detail through the buying and renting process of a PARANET air dome. From initial contact to after-sales service, you will find all the information you need at a glance.



Contact and sending of a first price indication



Site inspection and discussion of relevant details



Transmission of a binding offer



Production/delivery of an air dome specially customized to the customer’s needs



Construction and setup of the air dome.



After-sales services: Monitoring the data of the air dome (pressure, temperature, etc.), maintenance and modernization




“Auch bei intensivem Zeitdruck haben Sie ihre Leistungen, auch an Wochenenden, Feiertagen und Nachtarbeit, zuverlässig und zu unserer Zufriedenheit erbracht.”

Landratsamt München


“Die hervorragende Qualität sowohl der Hallen als auch der Zusammenarbeit Ihres Unternehmens mit dem landratsamt Deggendorf möchten wir an dieser Stelle betonen.”

Landratsamt Deggendorf


“Wir bedanken uns bei der Firma Paranet und empfehlen Sie an dieser Stelle gerne weiter.”

Stadtwerke Neumünster


“Der Abbau verlief reibungslos, professionell und innerhalb des vereinbarten Terminplans. Die Arbeiten wurden zuverlässig und in ausgezeichneter Qualität ausgeführt. “

Stadt Neuss, Der Bürgermeister


“Der Landkreis Teltow-Fläming ist mit der durch Ihr Unternehmen geleisteten Arbeit bei der Aufstellung, Ausstattung und vor allem dem laufenden Support der Traglufthallen sehr zufrieden.”

Landratsamt Teltow-Fläming

PARANET airdomes for:




Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our company and the PARANET air domes. Our experts will immediately deal with your questions and provide you with the appropriate answer promptly. You are also welcome to call us. We look forward to your questions.

PARANET Deutschland GmbH

  • Koenigsallee 7, 14193 Berlin

  • + 49 (0)30 88 72 76 90



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