
Overview of all steps

These six steps guide you in detail through the buying and renting process of a PARANET air dome. From initial contact to after-sales service, you will find all the information you need at a glance.

Person sitzt vor einem Laptop mit dem Handy in der Hand

I – Contact and sending of a first price indication

You can contact our customer advisors and sales consultants via our contact form on the website or by telephone. We will be happy to arrange an initial personal meeting with you in order to find out about your individual wishes and needs.

At the same time we offer you a non-binding initial consultation and thus achieve an optimal and at the same time economic result. On the basis of the collected information, we will send you a price indication for your first orientation. We will also be happy to advise you on possible extras for your air dome (light, insulation, solar panels, etc.).

Zwei Geschäftsleute schauen auf ein Tablet

II – Site visit and discussion of relevant details

Together with you we visit and examine the property on which your air dome is to be erected. On the one hand we get to know you better and on the other hand we check the implementation possibilities (anchoring possibilities, delivery, setting the containers, etc.) on the basis of the conditions on site.

Our aim is to provide you with an individual and fully satisfactory result, which is why we would like to understand you and your special wishes or challenges in order to implement them in the next step and do them justice.

Besprechung in einem Büroraum

III – Transmission of a binding offer

Based on the collected information and wishes, we will prepare a binding offer for you. Our quotation will have a binding effect on our part and will provide you with planning security. Of course, individual contract provisions such as the rental period or additional, special equipment details can be agreed individually.

Transport einer Traglufthalle

IV – Production/delivery of an air dome specially tailored to the customer.

Immediately after our order we begin with the production and assembly of the air dome especially cut to your needs and desires. As soon as the production is finished and the air dome has been subjected to a strict quality control, we will deliver your air dome to you.


V – Construction and setup of the air dome.

The hall construction begins with the delivery to your location. Our trained specialists erect your individual air dome according to the highest standards. The construction is supervised and controlled by our experienced site managers. The construction of your air dome takes between one and seven days, depending on the scope of the project.

Repair and optimization are just as much a part of PARANET as the steel cord net to the air dome. After the construction of your air dome, the task is to configure the optimal operating conditions. Our technicians work closely with you to guarantee you a result that is perfectly matched to your requirements.

VI – After-Sales-Services: Monitoring of the technical data of the hall

Our PARANET range of services is not exhausted with the construction of the hall. If you wish, we can keep your hall under constant observation. We monitor the hall values (pressure, temperature, etc.) in real time in our in-house security centre.

If we detect a deviation of the values from the norm, we act immediately and solve any problem. In order for you to be satisfied with your PARANET air dome in the long term, maintenance and modernization are essential. Continuous research with leading institutes allows us to continuously improve our products. You too can benefit from this! The clean and professional maintenance of the machines and other components of the air dome is the basis for the longevity of our products.

Utilization concepts of our PARANET air domes



Roofing for sports facilities

Swimming, school sports, etc.


Care Dome®

Emergency shelters


Office to Go




Storage and handling



Short-term event roofing



Special roofing




“Auch bei intensivem Zeitdruck haben Sie ihre Leistungen, auch an Wochenenden, Feiertagen und Nachtarbeit, zuverlässig und zu unserer Zufriedenheit erbracht.”

Landratsamt München


“Die hervorragende Qualität sowohl der Hallen als auch der Zusammenarbeit Ihres Unternehmens mit dem landratsamt Deggendorf möchten wir an dieser Stelle betonen.”

Landratsamt Deggendorf


“Wir bedanken uns bei der Firma Paranet und empfehlen Sie an dieser Stelle gerne weiter.”

Stadtwerke Neumünster


“Der Abbau verlief reibungslos, professionell und innerhalb des vereinbarten Terminplans. Die Arbeiten wurden zuverlässig und in ausgezeichneter Qualität ausgeführt. “

Stadt Neuss, Der Bürgermeister


“Der Landkreis Teltow-Fläming ist mit der durch Ihr Unternehmen geleisteten Arbeit bei der Aufstellung, Ausstattung und vor allem dem laufenden Support der Traglufthallen sehr zufrieden.”

Landratsamt Teltow-Fläming

PARANET airdomes for:




Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our company and the PARANET air domes. Our experts will immediately deal with your questions and provide you with the appropriate answer promptly. You are also welcome to call us. We look forward to your questions.

PARANET Deutschland GmbH

  • Koenigsallee 7, 14193 Berlin

  • + 49 (0)30 88 72 76 90



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